An introduction from Grant Robb, CEO. Reporting period 2022/2023.

In 1913 our purpose as ‘The Temporary Home for Lost and Starving dogs’ was to reunite lost dogs with their owners, whilst finding new homes for those who were less fortunate.

Over a hundred years later we’re one of Australia’s largest animal shelters, and still delivering on this promise, and so much more.

As best practices in animal welfare continuously develop, so the Home must continuously progress in how we care for our animals.

This site captures the strategies, plans and actions that will not only help us to provide increasingly exceptional animal welfare services and care, but also drive action from the community and government to help address some of the most challenging animal welfare problems of our present time.

Our Roadmap to Animal Welfare is not timebound, but it does underpin and feed into our strategic plan and its timeframes. As we progress, we will track our performance against our goals and report back through this site. 

Community feedback is welcome 

Our vision

Giving animals the best chance of a happy and healthy life.

Our Roadmap comprises of the following eight fundamental commitments, to:

  1. Reunite or rehome every adoptable animal in our care

  2. Accept every animal seeking safety and shelter with us

  3. Make certain the medical and behavioural needs of our animals are correctly assessed and effectively addressed

  4. Ensure the way we operate aligns with the needs of the community

  5. Always alleviate suffering and make appropriate euthanasia decisions

  6. Strive to find the very best homes for our animals and provide post-adoption support

  7. Work with the community to achieve the best outcomes for all our animals

  8. Operate in a transparent and ethical manner

Year in review

Rehoming cats & kittens

in our care
were reunited with their owners or rehomed
were humanely euthanised

Rehoming dogs & pups

in our care
were reunited with their owners or rehomed
were humanely euthanised

Foster care

Foster placements increased by

(on top of a 45% increase in previous year)

Incoming cats & kittens

increase in the number of cats coming into our shelters

Incoming dogs & pups

Increase in the number of dogs coming into our shelters